Entries by Captions Unlimited

Captioner’s job lands her a ticket to inauguration ball

Denise Hinxman was selected to caption the Southern States Presidential Inaugural Ball. She flew from Reno, Nevada to Washington, D.C. on a moment’s notice. With her encoder in hand, Denise arrived and captioned the speeches of President Barack Obama and Vice President Joe Biden.   BY MARTINA BEATTY • MBEATTY@RGJ.COM • JANUARY 25, 2009 One […]


CART on a Pole: Real-Time Translation in the ICU

The CART profession – (Communication Access Realtime Translation) also known as captioning – brings new experiences, new knowledge, and new friends. Today I had the privilege of working with a gentleman who apparently was in an accident of some kind. He is in ICU on a ventilator. This gentleman has a condition known as Neurofibromatosis 2. Many people […]

Optimizing communication during a doctor appointment

By:  Michie O’Day Appointments with our doctors, especially to learn about or discuss any serious medical condition, are one of the most frightening challenges for late-deafened adults.  Will the doctor (or other medical professional, now often a physician’s assistant) take the time and exhibit the patience we require to understand what he or she is […]